Pennine Lines w/c 26 June 2023
PLWeeklyEmail Dave Parry PLWeeklyEmail Dave Parry

Pennine Lines w/c 26 June 2023

This was one I actually had lined up to feature in Grit Blocs once I’d got some shots of Ned attempting this at the end of a long day mopping up some other photos for the book. It would have at the very least got a mention in the Swivel Finger section, or there was a chance it could have bumped that problem out entirely, as it looked superb, and as a long-standing project carried a bit of gravitas. In the end I visited once more with Ned but again we left empty handed, and in fact it took Ned until this April to seal the deal.

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Pennine Lines w/c 19 June 2023
PLWeeklyEmail Dave Parry PLWeeklyEmail Dave Parry

Pennine Lines w/c 19 June 2023

When you've lived in the same place for a long time it's easy to fall into complacency and routine. Now, I'm not saying routine in climbing is necessarily wrong, and in fact I'm a strong believer that building a relationship with a place, with a crag or venue, can be a very a positive thing. Generally speaking it's got a lot going for it instead of the fashionable but consumerist approach of just flitting around picking off low hanging fruit. However, I am as guilty as anyone of falling to the trap of frequenting the same places each year almost by default.

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Pennine Lines w/c 12 June 2023
PLWeeklyEmail Dave Parry PLWeeklyEmail Dave Parry

Pennine Lines w/c 12 June 2023

We're only a couple of days in to the genuinely hot weather so at this point I'm reticent to go all-in on the woe-is-me patter about it being too warm in the Peak. Especially because if previous summers are any indicator of what's to come you can guarantee in a few weeks time we'll be looking back on today's weather with a sense of nostalgia for those days when it was comparatively cool. 

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